Our high quality canvas prints boast amazing color depth and display fine details quite beautifully. We print on the highest quality canvas available. We routinely spray varnish canvas prints to protect the surface and ensure the longevity of the artwork.








Canvas is typically stretched and stapled across chop-and-join stretcher frames made from industry standard strainer stock in three depths, 1", 1.5", and 2". We stretch our canvas as tight as a drum.

Stretched canvas artworks should always be handled by the wooden frame perimeter (or aluminum standoff backing) to ensure nothing hits the canvas from either side. Anything striking the face or back of the stretched material can cause the canvas to bloat and/or pucker, ruining the taut surface. Canvas prints also have the tendency to “relax” and loosen in certain environments. If you notice your canvas has relaxed, remove the canvas from the wall and spray the back of the canvas with distilled water. The cotton fibers of the canvas should shrink as the canvas dries.






Custom depths above 2" are also available as specified.

We can customize a stretched canvas to float off the wall with our aluminum stabilizer bars. This will cause the canvas to float off the wall a distance of 1".

Stretcher frames can also be modified from a typical 90 degree angle to an acute angle that causes the canvas to appear to be floating away from the wall.

Canvas prints can be mounted to any of our mounting substrates. These mounted canvas prints can be framed without glass.