Projects | Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank
The photos were collected over the last year from transplant recipients who benefited from eye donors in Colorado and Wyoming. Some of the photographers had their sight back for only a few months while others had their sight restored a few years ago. In each case, the images in the collection were only possible because of the generosity of an eye donor. The project exhibit will begin its tour in Denver with a special preview fund-raising event on the night of November 13, 2010. Over the course of the next several months, it will travel to cities and towns throughout Colorado and Wyoming. The 25 images in the traveling collection represent only a small part of the entire project. All of the photos submitted to the project will be posted to an online gallery once the tour starts. The online gallery will also feature biographies of the recipient photographers." -from the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank website"The Circle of Light Photo Project aims to show the impact eye, organ and tissue donation has on our communities through images photographed by corneal transplant recipients. We hope to inspire others to become eye, organ and tissue donors by joining the Donate Life Organ & Tissue Donor Registry in Colorado or Wyoming.
Infinite Editions is proud to have been a part of this project, and excited for all of the photographers who participated. We were given the opportunity to print and mount these amazing images in November 2010. The images were printed on a fine art watercolor paper, spray varnished, and then mounted full bleed on aluminum panels. Congratulations to all of the organizations that were involved!